"We Entertain When It Rains"  

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Oct 2,2010 - Canson: PaperShow FirstLook...

Many The system is based on the Anoto Digital Pen. The pen is able to determine its exact position when used with a special paper printed with a non-repeating dot pattern. The coordinate is tracked by a camera at the tip of the pen. Many readers will immediate recognize that the Canson Papershow looks very similar to Livescribe's Pulse SmartPen. Both are based on the same Anoto technology. While the Livescribe Pulse is geared toward note-taking, Canson's PaperShow is more presentation-focused.

participate in art-making and special programs designed just for them. For the most up-to-date info, check out the MFA calendar. [Permalink] -Canson: PaperShow FirstLook


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