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Invisible Shield


By Wan Chi Lau

Many of our readers had asked whether the InvisibleShield was removable.  We didn't know... and that made us curious.

We decided to remove our PERFECTLY APPLIED InvisibleShield just to see if the company's claim of removability and "no residue" were true.

Why?  Because it was raining in Boston today and this seemed like the perfect RainyDayMagazine project!

Also, we got the new version of the InvisibleShield last week... the one with the clickwheel cutout.  Of course, we have been dying to find an excuse to put it on.  Since the bean counters at RainyDayMagazine would not let us buy another iPod nano, removing the old InvisibleShield was the only option :-)


1. FirstLook/FirstUse

2. Removal

3. Clickwheel Cutout install

4. One Year Later

Review Summary:

Initial Impression- Removeable

Usability- Little to no residue

Durability- Lifetime Replacement

Price- $20

iPod Related Reviews:

1. iPod nano FirstLook

2. iPod nano FirstUse

3. iPod Install in a Porsche



Photography by Wan Chi Lau
Rainy Day Magazine is a Publication of Rainy Day Entertainment Group © 2005