"We Entertain When It Rains"  




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July 8,2009

Maybe it's all this rain.  Maybe it's the crappy economy.  Maybe it was all of the high profile obituaries in the news.  Around the office we have been talking a lot about what kind of future we want for ourselves.  We know things have tough for a lot of folks this past year.  The conventional wisdom is the global economic situation may not improve much for a few more years. For some, it's time to hunker down and ride it out.  For others, it may be the time to make a move, to venture out, and to try to make a dream happen.  Any readers out there with the "itch?"

We see the Chinese proverb above everyday.  The translation is roughly: "An inch of daylight is worth an inch of gold, but sometimes it's difficult to buy an inch of daylight with an inch of gold"

We think about the meaning of this proverb a lot.  Are we just biding time?  Are we wasting time?  When do YOU believe the rain will eventually stop?  What will YOU be doing when the sun finally does come back out?  [Permalink] - What are we doing with our time?


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