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Feb 25,2009(WhatIfWednesday)

President Obama's speech to Congress last night touched on the topic of affordable health care.  It got us thinking...what if a bag of potato chips costs $5.00 instead of a $1.00?  What if a Big Mac costs $10.00 instead of $3.50?  What if a bottle of soda is $6.00 instead of $1.50?  What if, pound for pound, fruits and vegetables were cheaper than Fritos and Cheetos? What if there was a tax on junk food and that tax was used to subsidize health care?

What if a treadmill was used to power the TV? What if the price of train rides or airplane tickets were based on the weight of the passenger?  What if the we all lost a few pounds of fat or gained a half-pound of muscle? 

What if we got a discount on our health insurance if we ate less fat, cut down on salt, or ate more leafy salads?  What if we got money back from our health insurance company for not getting sick? 

What if the incentives reward "better" eating or "healthier" lifestyles? What if health insurance was designed to promote health rather then to pay for repairs?  We know these "What Ifs" are only touching on a part of the health care cost problem, but still...we wonder what kind of America would emerge?  We wonder how much money we would save?  [Permalink]- First Speech to Congress


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